Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Once A Day

So I decided to try this blogging thing. Keeping a record of how I'm growing and changing and improving myself as a person seems like a highly good idea!

So first, a little about me.

I believe in freedom. I believe everyone deserves freedom. We deserve the freedom to learn, eat and sleep when, where and how we want.

When our wants intersect and interfere with another's wants, we should come to a solution through discussion and compromise. We search outside the two options first seen and look for something that will make everyone happy. I believe in win-win solutions.

I believe children are people with all the rights adults have. It is therefore morally wrong to force and coerce children, just as it would be wrong with adults.

I believe there are no "have to"s in life. Some choices come with extra bits you may like or dislike, but if you take the choice as a package deal, it's still a choice. I don't have to breathe, but I choose to because I prefer it over the death that would come if I chose not to! (And as an aside, I believe only in natural consequences - arbitrarily imposed consequences are a form of force and coercion, and therefore also morally wrong)

In a nutshell - I am a Radical Unschooler

I am a user of Ubuntu GNU/Linux and interested in computers in general and free (libre) software in specific.

I am an animal lover; I own two beautiful dogs. The red wolf (canus rufus) is my fursona and totem animal.

I am an artist and storyteller with a webcomic in the works.

I am agnostic, but spiritual. I see signs of deity in nature - in the wind on my face, the sunrise and sunset, the tracks of squirrels in the snow, the turning of the seasons...

My dream is to build myself a little house in the country, grow all my own food, generate all my own electricity, unschool a few adopted children and run a dog rescue centre (and boarding kennel business to support it)

I intend to update this blog once a day.